Kirk Realty

1 out of 5 based on 2 user reviewswrite a review

247 Redondo Ave
Long Beach CA, 90803

Mon9:00 am-4:30pm
Tue9:00 am-4:30pm
Wed9:00 am-4:30pm
Thu9:00 am-4:30pm
Fri9:00 am-4:30pm

247 Redondo Ave, Long Beach CA, 90803
Broadway E & Redondo Ave N


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About Kirk Realty

Kirk Realty, real estate agency, listed under "Real Estate Agencies" category, is located at 247 Redondo Ave Long Beach CA, 90803 and can be reached by 5624330775 phone number. Kirk Realty has currently 2 reviews.

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Rating Based on 2 Reviews

June 2012
1 out of 5

I lived with my bf in a 1 bedroom apt off Appleton owned by Kirk Realty for nearly 4 years; the first 2 years were great, but ever since then it had slowly been going downward. It's an old building built in 1922, and maintenance on the building was always at a delay. Usually myself and many of the tenants had to call management to get things resolved. Even simple stuff like changing a light bulb in the hallways. 2 months before moving out they supposedly fixed the water pipes in the building, the water pressure was so bad we were washing our face and brushing our teeth in the bathtub until the day we left.. and we weren't the only ones. Another negative is you could hear EVERYTHING that went on in the building-- we were luckier than others in the building, we lived in an upstairs unit with no side neighbors, but still- we could hear fights and parties 3 apartments below us. Truthfully, I think managment is more interested in a high turnaround and making money off retained deposits than keeping tenants.

Trying to move out was a nightmare too: After giving them 30 days notice, they sent an e-mail reply within the first week and insisted on showing our apartment with our things still in it! So the entire last month we lived there, they were showing our apt. with our stuff in it to strangers. One of the days while moving out they came to show it without even having notified me in advance. The icing on the cake with management was it took multiple e-mails (on my part) and 44-days for them to refund our deposit. New tenants had already moved in our old apartment when we were still waiting for our security deposit.
If it was sooo bad why did we stay you might ask?? The area we lived it was awesome, also working full-time and being a full-time student we were never home anyway-- we just needed a place to keep our stuff. I guess the pro's of the place was cheap rent in a friendly neighborhood, but you get what you pay for, and maybe even less.. I would never recommend a property owned by this company to anyone.
January 2010
1 out of 5

I am generally a very good and quiet tenant, so im not a crazy person angry at his realtor. I was with them for about a year, and from the begining I would receive harrassing letters based on my age. (they favor the old) When I moved out they took half of my deposit to cover normally standard cleaning procedures. After complaining they made it sound as if I had damaged the property. I decided against small claims due to time, but should have if not just to show them they cant do this to everyone. I needed that money and left this company feeling harrassed and taken advantage of. DO NOT USE! save yourself the hassle.

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Kirk Realty is currently rated 1 out of 5 stars.

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